Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I've been playing around with some old watch parts, springs and the epoxy/rice paper/wire stuff. Here are the results. Dragonflies! Defininately fun to make, and I like the way they've turned out. I'm going to post them to my etsy site very soon.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Still Trying to Tame the Beast

So it still seems like  I am more than a little buried in stuff to do. I'm trying to sort it out, but there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day. But then, there's the old axiom work expands to fill the time allowed. Very true. It's like a living organism. So today, well actually last night, I made a list of just the things that I need to accomplish today. Just today... don't worry about the rest. Just get through today's list. I can do it. So far I'm on item 3... this blog. I'll get there. Breathe deep Marijo, breathe deep.....

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